Using the Inno-Space innovation area that has just been opened at the Leipzig plant, Porsche is working on the quality management approach of the future. This month (February), the first innovation will be put to the test: look-and-feel using augmented reality. By the end of the year, this concept is then set to be integrated into the production process. The test offers a fast and reliable means of highlighting deviations from the specified perfection level, enabling time savings and a significant increase in the analysis quality.
The Inno-Space forms an interface between the present and the future of quality management, allowing innovations to be developed and established so that they can be transferred into the series production processes at the plant.
At this area, a dedicated factory IT environment can be simulated, which can later be connected to the plant in a controlled way with a view to integrating new developments into the production. An in-house infotech team that works closely with the quality management team is the driving force behind these brand new technologies, apps and processes.
The secured environment is used to test innovations for the quality management work of tomorrow. The team collaborates with various universities and start-ups. In partnership with GTV, a start-up based in Dresden, Porsche has been using augmented reality (AR) as a technical platform for quality control.
The AR look-and-feel test is a typical example of how new innovations that originated in the Inno-Space are developed and implemented.

I-Space der Porsche Leipzig GmbH am 22.01.2018