(Left) Mr Lim Tze Xuan, 2nd year student, from Nitec in Automotive Technology inspects the Hybrid Power Control Unit (HPCU) to the Hyundai Kona Hybrid, under close supervision by Mr Kelvin Ho, Automotive Engineer, Komoco Motors.
Komoco Motors has partnered with Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College West to help nurture talent to support the automotive engineering sector.
The move is in support of Singapore’s 2030 Green Plan, which among other things, will require all new cars registered from 2030 onwards to be “Cleaner Energy” models.
In line with this, training and developing the skills of students now would prepare them to meet the challenges of this sector.
ITE College West has developed a series of Micro Learning Courses (MLCs) on Sustainable Land Transport Systems. These courses are focussed on electrified vehicles, such as electric cars, hybrids and charging systems.
The aim of these MLCs is to improve the technical knowledge of students who are already in automotive courses. They will also provide a skills upgrade for those employed and those seeking a career in the automotive sector.
Over 80 staff from Komoco Motors have attended the MLCs on Sustainable Land Transport Systems.
One of Komoco’s sales consultants, Ms Nellie Koh, said that being able to understand how EVs (electric vehicles) work and how they are charged has helped her in being able to address her customers’ queries.
In addition, Komoco Motors offers internship and employment opportunities to ITE students.

Ms Lilian Ho, Customer Relations Officer, Komoco Motors, took a break at work to attend a 45 minute session of Micro Learning Courses on the topic of Hybrid Electric vehicles conducted by Mr Delvin Lee, Lecturer, Automotive Engineering, ITE College West, and curator of the MLC on Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
Mr Kwek Leng Poh, Komoco Motors’ After Sales Director, said: “Our young people will be the automotive engineering leaders of tomorrow. As such, Komoco Motors seeks to be proactive in nurturing a pool of talent to prepare students from young for the automotive engineering professional workforce.”
ITE College West’s principal, Ms Alice Seow, said: ““ITE embraces strong partnerships with industry players such as Komoco to give our students the opportunity to experience real work environments as well as exciting emerging technologies.”
“Such experiences will inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in automotive trade and enhance the overall workforce performance.”
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