I read somewhere that there are as many men on this planet as there are women. But this doesn’t seem to be the case in the world of cars, where women are rare and men rule the roost, horsing around in the horsepower stables with the other boys in charge.
Men even dominate industries that should be a woman’s domain. Gourmet cooking, for example, where there are far more toques sitting on short hair (or sometimes no hair) than on long, flowing locks. I thought girls go through Home Economics and all. Wait, do we even have Home Economics in Singapore’s school curriculum these days?
Doctors and dentists also tend to be male, at least in the clinics and hospitals I’ve visited. I guess it’s mostly men solving our health problems because it’s usually men and their unhealthy lifestyles that cause the health problems in the first place. It’s a scientific fact that women live longer than men, which explains why there are far more female centenarians still alive and kicking. Guys just kick the bucket, and earlier.
Back in the world of cars, men again reign supreme. From the highest echelons of motorsports to the humblest levels of motoring (like your neighbourhood car wash), men are omnipresent and omnipotent. We are everywhere, we do everything, we are behind the wheel in more ways than one.
The only female element in our myriad automotive activities is provided by our unwilling wives and girlfriends, the occasional event wallflowers and the usual car chicks, not forgetting those dreaded carpark aunties with their big hats and small paper summonses.
We also have women, um, manning the front desks of car showrooms and workshops. If you call their customer service number, the smooth voice of a woman would answer. But if you call their 24-hour roadside assistance hotline in the middle of the night after your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, the rough voice of a man would answer.
The reason is simple: Men are from “Cars” and women are from Venus.