- Features - Austin Mini Cooper owner jazzes up his car Chris Mead pays homage to the Paul Smith Mini by having his mustard yellow Austin Mini Cooper resprayed. - Features - Singaporean cycles 3900km across Europe in 14 days Singaporean cycles through 12 European countries to complete gruelling Transcontinental Race. - Features - Bosch iBooster predictive emergency braking system protects cyclists and pedestrians The system initiates full braking in 190 milliseconds – faster than two blinks of an eye. - Features - Torque On The Move 2017 Night Edition was a terrific experience for the 120 participants Singapore's first-ever automotive telematch held at night was inspired by the Formula One Singapore Grand Prix! - Features - Is a weak battery causing my car to start slowly? A Straits Times reader wants to know why his car's cranking during start-up is slow. - Features - LTA even busier now that they also have to keep disruptors in line Regulators may be fighting a losing battle in regulating bicycles, e-bikes and private-hire cars, which seem determined not to be… - Features - Commuters’ needs must be part of on-demand bus services Commuters also need to know how the bus service reliability framework will be affected by such a move. - Features - Forza Motorsport 7 provides world-class racing for Windows 10 PCs New features make it the ultimate PC racing game. - Features - Braided carbon wheels for Porsche 911 Turbo S Exclusive Series The lightweight wheels with braided carbon fibre are the first of their kind in the global automotive industry. - Features - Exploring Paris in a Citroen E-Mehari Tourists can explore the touristy French capital in Citroen's quirky electric four-seater cabriolet. - Features - Porsche Media Driving Academy 2017 This motoring journo completed the programme's Professional course, but didn't make it to the podium in the slalom competition because… - Features - Formula 4 racecar is all thrills and no frills Driving a single-seat open-wheel race car is scary and exciting – even if it is one with only 160 horsepower. - Features - Volvo XC90 used to transport books Publisher Edmund Wee's Volvo XC90 is ideal for lugging cartons of books around. - Features - Taxi uncle turns Grab driver After driving taxis for more than 30 years, Mr Lim Chwee Choon became a Grab driver last year, trading in… PreviousNext