How often should I wax my car?
This is a question frequently asked by not just new car owners, but fastidious car detailers as well.
Adding to the confusion are the numerous products out there that claim to be able to provide up to 12 months of protection.
Let us recall that most car waxes today are a blend of both natural (such as carnauba wax and beeswax) and synthetic ingredients.
Natural waxes like carnauba add gloss and protection to your car, but in its natural form, will not last very long. When synthetic ingredients are added, the product can last longer and becomes easier to work with, too.
So, how often do you need to wax your car?
The answer is: It depends.
For example, a vintage car that rarely sees the light of day and is only driven to be displayed at car shows is unlikely to require frequent waxing.
Meanwhile, a car that’s driven every day and spends it life parked in open carparks will require much more frequent waxing (and probably polishing, too).
Singapore’s hot weather and the numerous thunderstorms (and lots of bird poop, while we’re at it) can really wear down paintwork.
How do you tell if you need to wax your car?
Run your finger along your car’s body panels when the vehicle is cool and dry. Is the surface as smooth as glass? Or is it rough? Does it cause your finger to catch?
If your answer to the last two questions is yes, then it is time to wax your car.
Can I still wax my car even if the surface is still smooth?
You can, but remember, less is more. Your paint surface can only bond with so much wax before it becomes “full”.
Attempting to pile on the wax only wastes the product and makes the excess difficult to remove. You’ll end up with streaks and a very marred finish.
For best results, always apply the thinnest coat possible and spread until it is even. And always remember to work in small sections!