Motorists aged 65 and older will have a six-month extension to renew their driving licence.
Elderly drivers of cars, public buses and heavy vehicles with licences that are expiring this year will get a six-month extension to renew them.
The extended period is for the drivers to submit their medical examination reports and proficiency driving test results, said the Traffic Police on Monday (April 27).
The extension is for elderly motorists whose birthday falls between April 7 and Aug 6 (both dates inclusive) and whose licence is due for renewal this year, it added.
The proficiency driving test results is an additional requirement for holders of Class 4, 4A and 5 licences.
Class 4 holders are licensed to drive vehicles like trucks, while Class 4A holders drive vehicles like public transport buses. Class 5 licence holders drive heavy vehicles like mobile cranes.
These elderly motorists can continue to drive during the six-month extended period, said the Traffic Police, adding that their licence must be valid.
Drivers who turn 65 must undergo a medical examination to assess their fitness behind the wheel, and they need to do it every three years.
The Traffic Police will send these elderly motorists a letter to notify them of the extension, with more details on when they should take the medical examination and submit the report.
They will also be told when to book and pass the proficiency driving test.
Here are some tips on how to pass your driving test