In the Hollywood blockbuster Transformers, Bumblebee is a sidekick to Autobots leader Optimus Prime. The yellow robot started out as a classic 1976 Chevrolet Camaro and upgraded to the 2010 model later in the movie.
A modern muscle car with a thumping 6.2-litre V8, the Camaro is a Detroit delight whose charisma is equal to that of the Corvette, America’s all-time favourite sports car.
Bumblebee is an Autobot, so it drives, thinks and acts independently as it stays one step ahead of the Decepticons. This is a robotic race in more ways than one.
One of the film’s most exciting chase scenes (and there are numerous) is where Bumblebee, in its 1976 Camaro guise, saves Sam Witwicky and outruns Barricade, the Decepticon that takes the form of a Saleen S281 police cruiser.