Bitten by the No. 53 Bug, Walt Disney Pictures brought Herbie back to life for the well-received 2005 movie. Humble Herbie is one of the few cars to ever have its name on a movie marquee.
The story of the Volkswagen Beetle’s big-screen persona started in 1968 with the release of Herbie The Love Bug. Four sequels followed, including the Lindsay Lohan opus. Besides being able to outshine any given racecar on the track, Herbie can also make faces, throw tantrums and spit oil on bad guys.
And Herbie can drive himself, although he prefers to have a human butt in his driver’s seat. Yum, Lindsay Lohan’s butt in a Beetle!
Herbie’s Nascar-style race against the evil Trip Murphy at the end of the movie is great fun all the way to the checkered flag.